Counsels on Sabbath School Work   (4)
Aided by the Holy Spirit VC
The superintendents and teachers in our Sabbath schools must be converted, rescued from their habitual insensibility. The precious lessons of truth must not be taught in a tame, lifeless way; but, by daily communion with the Lord, by a reception of the bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness, life-giving power must be added to their efforts to win souls to Christ. They must continually keep the mind stayed upon Christ, that the thoughts and impulses may be of a spiritual character, and that their manner and method of teaching may be subject to the dictation of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in its highest manifestation to men is to enable them to put forth their best energies, as God is working in them to will and to do of His own good pleasure. (CSW 158.1) MC VC
“Without Me,” Christ says, “ye can do nothing.” John 15:5. The worker is not to be left alone. The Spirit of God is given unto him that he may will and do of God’s good pleasure, that he may “make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” Romans 13:14. Then, teacher, follow the leadings of the Spirit. As the Spirit of God draws the hearts of the children and youth, you draw with tenderness and love, inviting them, and pleading with them to give their hearts to God. (CSW 158.2) MC VC
The children and youth are Christ’s purchased possession; He has bought them with an infinite price. Jesus loves the little ones. He looks with pity upon the young, for He knows how Satan will seek to attract them into the broad way, making it look enticing to their eyes; and Jesus bids the angels to take special charge of these inexperienced souls, in their homes, in their school life, and in the Sabbath school. The Spirit is continually striving with them, seeking to draw them to God; and the laborer together with God will feel his responsibility, and will earnestly work to win souls to Christ.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 41-44. (CSW 158.3) MC VC